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What Happens If You Are Successful In The Lottery Draw Application For ELK?

After you complete your SCAT Lottery Draw Application and pay the $26.00 fee before noon on the 18th December to go into the draw. The draw is held December on the 20th December 2021.

If you are successful in your San Carlos Big Game Lottery Draw for ELK - You are notified and once your Elk Tag and habitat permit including the 4% Tribal Tax is paid in full, the tag is then issued.

On The SCAT ELK hunt - you are required to have a Tribal Guide with you at all times.

Please read the Rules & Regs for San Carlos next so you understand what's required.

You then visit our Tribal Guides page on our website. You then contact one the approved Tribal Guide listed, and sort out availably, dates, guide cost/fees and what's required by you.

You can contact the SCAT Recreation & Wildlife Office if you have any other questions.



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